Since I'm starting a new blog, I'm also starting it with the intention of getting people to read it. Getting people to read my comics is, and always has been, a much harder prospect, given the cognitive investment the narrative requires. Though I'm always eager to hear suggestions on how to make the comic better, I realize that the kind of readers I want most are the devoted, thoughtful kind that are inherently rare, so if only a few people go from reading the blog to reading the comic, I'll be content.
That said, I still want people to read what I write, so any suggestions? The default, of course, is pictures of my cat Allie cuddling with my various action figures, such as Solid Snake (the young version from MGS1) above.
The blog is wonderful. You are a prosaic, intelligent, sensitive man with a message! I hear you. I love your prose. I know, I have a bias, but it's true, objectively!